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GDPR CCPA Report For Web Page:
Compliancy Score: -72.4

Scan completed on
Do a new scan of this page Is Not GDPR CCPA Compliant.
Fix These Tags:

Adjust the red and orange tags so that they are loaded only after consent has been given through your cookiebanner solution.
! Analytics Tag    ! 1 Analytics Cookie
! Analytics Tag
Google Analytics 4
! Analytics Tag    ! 1 Analytics Cookie
Google Analytics
! Analytics Tag    ! 2 Analytics Cookies
Doubleclick Pixel
! Advertising Tag
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Free and Pro Packages

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All accounts get access to reports with all history checks included, know what happened and when.

The Free Package checks monthly and for up to one website.

The Pro Package checks daily and available for up to 50 websites. You also get unlimited manual checks, normally limited to one check per website per day. We recommend the Pro Package if privacy and compliancy are important to you!

Questions? Email us, we email back!

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